Top 10 Stunning Realities About Mahabharata Which You Don't Know?
1. Mahabharat was created by Maharishi Vedvyas and composed by Lord Ganesha with the condition that Maharishi Vedvyas need to persistently talk the shlokas that are to be composed ceaselessly in any event, for once.
Then, at that point, Vedvyas gave a condition that he will talk shlokas with understanding their significance; however, Ganesha can't think of them without deciphering them to him.
Along these lines, in this way, here and there in the whole epic Vedvyas talk troublesome Shlokas, which required some investment for Ganesha to comprehend the significance, and in the meantime, Vedvyas took a rest.
2. Vedvyas isn't a name yet a post given to the people who knew about Vedas. There were 27 Vedvyas before Krishnadweepayan.
What's more, Krishnadweepayan was the 28th Vedvyas, who was given this name since he had a wheatish skin shading like Lord Krishna, and he was brought into the world on an island.
3. Strange yet evident that there are 10 different Gitas that exist like Vyadh Gita, Ashtavakra Gita, Parashar Gita, and so on. However, Shri Bhagwad Gita is the unadulterated and complete Gita which contains data by Lord Krishna.
4. Vaishampayan the follower of Vedvyas first time read Mahabharat in the House of King Janamejaya who was the grandson of Abhimanyu and child of Parikshit. Numerous Sarp Yagya was finished by him to render retribution for his dad's demise.
5. Shantanu was the father of Bhishma Pitamah, who was hitched to Ganga. In his next birth, Shantanu was the best Mahabhish, he went to serve Brahma where he saw Ganga and was drawn in towards her.
In the interim, Brahma reviled him and said push off, because of this in his next birth he was brought into the world as King Prateep's child Shantanu and wedded to Ganga yet she took a guarantee from Shantanu that he won't ever pose inquiries from her. He concurred.
6. We all realize that in Mahabharat, Duryodhana dominated the chess game and requested that Yudhisthir let Draupadi sit to his left side thigh. Along these lines, he is known as a scoundrel.
Be that as it may, in those occasions, the spouse was given a spot on the left thigh or left half of a man and the right thigh or right side was saved for little girls.
7. For the most part individuals think around six-sided dice. Astonishing is that the dice through which Shakuni had crushed the Pandavas in the round of Checker had four sides. Furthermore, of what that dice was comprised of no one knows.
8. It is said that Mahabharat instructs about Dharma and many individuals even interface it with truth or lie yet no place in any occasion in Mahabharat truth or untruths are characterized.
Every single activity of individuals in Mahabharat relies on the circumstances wherein they are in.
9. Do you realize why Lord Krishna upheld Pandavas rather than Kauravas. In reality, both Arjun and Duryodhan went to Krishna to look for his help in the conflict and went into his room.
Duryodhan went into first in quite a while room and sat on Krishna's bed other than his head. Arjun went to the foot of the bed and remained there with hands folded. When Krishna woke up he saw Arjun first, grinned, and said that he will uphold him.
10. Stunning, Draupadi was Goddess Durga's Avatar. Once in the late evening, Bhima saw that Draupadi, as Goddess Durga, was requesting Bhima's blood in her unfilled bowl, frightened to death, he portrayed the whole story to his mom, Kunti.
Then, at that point, she asked Draupadi never to hurt Bhima. Being a human, Draupadi needed to guarantee her and in the demonstration, she chomps her lip reluctantly. Kunti cleared off the blood from her lips with the edge of her fabric and guaranteed her that Bhima will fill the bowl for her.
Nice, proud to be Maharshtrian. 🚩
Like karna
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